
At Cantell School we believe that homework, additional learning, study, research and revision outside of the classroom are an integral part of students’ learning. As well as improving performance in individual subjects, it develops positive routines which students can utilise effectively in their journey through Key Stages 3 & 4, College and Further Education, as well as in the world of work.

Research indicates that students who take part in additional study support activities outside of their normal learning get better results at Year 11 than their peers of equal ability who do not participate. The potential benefits of participation in these activities are significant. 

We are therefore fully committed to the setting, completion, tracking and assessment of homework as part of each student’s educational provision. Homework is set regularly across all subject areas in both Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 which consolidates, deepens and extends students’ learning. 

If you or your child have any queries concerning any aspect of their homework, then please email the homework helpline on homeworkhelpline@cantell.co.uk.

Frequency of homework

  • Weekly: English/Maths/Science/ KS4 Geography/ KS4 History/ KS4 RE
  • Fortnightly: KS3 Geography/ KS3 History/ Spanish/French/Latin/KS4 PE
  • Every three weeks: Art/Drama/Music/Technology/Computer Science
  • Monthly: KS3 RE
  • Once a half term: Citizenship

Below are some of the support structures we have in place to help your child complete their homework.

Satchel One

Satchel One (formerly called Show My Homework) is used to set and track homework across the school. Satchel One is an online calendar that allows parents, carers and students to review the homework that has been set and keep a track of homework and relevant deadlines. If you need any help or advice on how to use Satchel One, please contact louise.gillam@cantell.co.uk

Homework Club

Homework clubs are available at the end of each school day and are open to students of all year groups. These sessions are fully supported by members of staff who are on hand to provide support and guidance. If your child struggles to complete work at home, or requires extra support in completing their homework, then we would be only too happy to host them in one of our Homework Clubs.

Homework Support Sessions

For those students who continue to struggle with the completion of homework, we have also established a more supportive session that will be staffed by senior members of the School. If a student has failed to complete three homework tasks in a subject in any term, they will be required to attend a Homework Support Session. Parents will be notified the day before that their child must attend the session to ensure they complete their outstanding homework task.

Teacher Support

Students and parents are encouraged to contact individual class teachers with any specific queries relating to a homework task. For wider issues relating to the completion of homework, then please contact their relevant Year Leader. 

We view homework not as an optional extra, but instead as an integral ingredient of our broad and balanced curriculum and look forward to working with you and your child to ensure they succeed in all subjects during their Cantell journey.

Parental Support