
At Cantell School good attendance is a high priority. As a school we are committed to improving the outcomes for all of our students and see good attendance as vitally important in achieving this. Evidence shows us that good school attendance promotes high attainment, which then leads to positive outcomes for all students.

The target attendance figure for all pupils is a minimum of 95% attendance.

By law, parents/carers are responsible for ensuring that their children, of compulsory school age, receive an education.

Parents are expected to support the school by ensuring their child’s regular attendance and to take an active interest in their child’s school life. Where attendance drops below 95%, parents/carers are expected to work with the school in addressing any issues.

At Cantell School, we do reward our students who have good punctuality and good or improving attendance.

To help ensure we can work together with our parents/carers, please adhere to the following:

  • ensure that students leave for school fully equipped and in correct uniform, in time for registration, no later than 8.30am.
  • ensure the school has up-to-date contact details allowing us to make contact in case of an absence.
  • inform the school of any absence on the first morning by contacting the absence line on 02380 323111 and selecting the year group of their child. Parents are expected to provide medical evidence for any absence of 3 days or more. Failure to provide this will result in the absence being recorded as unauthorised.
  • if no contact is received regarding the absence, it is recorded as un-authorised.
  • ensure that medical appointments are made outside of school time.
  • holidays should not be taken in school time. Any Leave of Absence can only be agreed by the Head Teacher and only agreed where there are exceptional circumstances. Please complete a leave of absence form at least 3 weeks in advance, to notify the school of your intention to travel during term-time.
  • respond to letters or telephone calls regarding attendance and punctuality.
  • contact your child’s Head of Year as soon as possible if you are experiencing difficulty in getting your child into school.
Year 7Mrs Jo
Year 8Mr Bradley
Year 9Miss Sandy
Year 10Mrs Hazel
Year 11Mrs Karen
L2LMrs Lena